Using Tea Tree Oil For Acne - Does it Really Work?

If you are reading this, then you probably have a mild or severe acne problem that won't go away and you're looking for a solution that will not only get rid of your acne but keep it at bay. So what is Tea Tree Oil and does using Tea Tree Oil for acne really work?

Let me just say that I'm not here to try to sell you anything. I would just like share my own personal experience about what I have found that works for getting rid of my own acne and many others I know and have talked to as well. With that aside, I would like to tell you about my own experience with battling acne...

Several years ago... I knew nothing about Tea Tree Oil or what it exactly was. I went through the humiliation of day-after-day zits, pimples, cyst, blackheads, and blemishes. My self esteem started to suffer because of it. There were many days when I didn't want to go outside or face the world because of my embarrassing acne problem. I was very sad and depressed all the time because of it. It made very self conscious about my looks.

If you have ever felt the same horrible feelings about the appearance of your skin, then don't give up just yet. There's still hope and you can get rid of your acne just like I did.

In the past I tried endless amounts of different acne fighting products hoping that one of these products would be the remedy for getting rid of my acne, but out of all of these acne prevention products I tried, not one of them worked.

I have been through years of trials and errors trying out different acne fighting methods; in hopes of eventually finding a cure that would get rid of my acne problem for good. I've sifted through the shelves of various stores over a period of several years and I have lost a lot of money on buying products that didn't do much of anything to get rid of my acne. I've ordered skin care products off of TV claiming that they could get rid of acne, but these products did nothing for me as well. I've visited various doctors and been prescribed dangerous medications for my acne, and the medications didn't even work. The acne continued, and over time, it became worse and worse.

I was about ready to give up on ever having acne free skin.

It wasn't until my friends mom suggested that I try to using Tea Tree Oil for my acne problem. She was very into herbal remedies and she had mentioned that she had used it to help her daughter get rid of her own bad acne, and her daughter had incredible results with it. At the time, I had never even heard of this so called "Tea Tree Oil" stuff, but I figured what the heck. I will give it a try since I had practically tried just about everything else and had nothing to loose.

I did some shopping around and was shocked to find out how extremely cheap it was! It only cost me eight dollars. In the past I've spent way more money on other acne prevention products that did little to nothing for my skin, so spending less than ten dollars seemed extremely cheap to me, but I still had only a thread of hope that the stuff was going to work.

After buying the Tea Tree Oil, I applied it the following night to my acne zits and blemishes. When I woke up the next morning my acne cyst and pimples were reduced by over 60%. Being the big skeptic I am, I was amazed that something that was made naturally from the oils of a tree could work so quickly and effectively.

The next night I applied more Tea Tree Oil over the acne and the following morning the cyst and pimples were completely flattened out and fading away. The soreness in my boils became less, and the hardness of them became softer. Again, I was completely stunned by the quick and dramatic results that it was having at getting rid of my acne.

So, I developed a religious routine of applying it a few times a day on my acne blemishes for the next couple of weeks. Spots became less, and I was finally starting to have acne-free skin. Finally, I had found something that actually worked in getting rid of my acne and keeping it at bay! You can only imagine how happy I was.

While continuing to use the Tea Tree Oil for my acne, week after week, my breakouts became less frequent and extremely mild. My skin became less oily, less grimy, and my pores became less clogged. Painful cyst and boils became a thing of the past. I could see my complexion vastly improving and becoming more clear.

When I quite using it and a minor zit or acne blemish starts to become visible on my skin, I simply apply it to the infected areas and instead of having the pimples flare up overnight, they start to vanish away and are gone within a few days.

Out of all the products I have used on my acne I have never seen something work as well. This is why I recommend that you give Tea Tree Oil a try if you are suffering from mild or severe acne problems. It is too affordable for you not to and it may be a godsend for you as it has been for me, some family relatives, and others I know!

The Benefits of Using Tea Tree Oil For Your Acne, Pimples, and Cyst

Once you start applying Tea Tree Oil to your acne, it will quickly start to dry up the acne on your skin and remove the build up of heavy oils and bacteria that are clogging your pores.

Tea Tree Oil is very cheap. A two ounce bottle of Tea Tree Oil cost a average of about ten to fifteen dollars and the bottle can last up to a couple of months.

If you keep using Tea Tree Oil for your acne, you will notice that your blemishes will occur less and less, and be spread more farther apart. You will see dramatic results within a few days of using it. Before you know it you won't even have real blemishes anymore or crater sized zits and pimples. Instead, you'll be getting a mild spot or two spread far apart, which you will be able to eradicate by applying the oil to the infected areas of your skin a few times day. As your spots occur more farther apart, obviously the less of the oil you will be using, and the longer a small bottle of the Tea Tree Oil will last you.

I've been using Tea Tree Oil for preventing acne for over twelve years. I've told my other friends and siblings about who have had problems with a few zits or full blown acne and I have received many thanks for telling them about it, as it got rid of their acne also! If you have a few pimples pop up every once in while or you suffer from severe to extreme acne problems, Tea Tree Oil will help you get rid of your acne for good!

I can only hope by sharing my experience and writing about it, that the word will get out to more people who don't know about it, and it will help them get rid of their acne! I know how humiliating and embarrassing acne can be and how it can ruin you day if not your whole life!

Stop wasting money on acne products that don't work! Instead, try using Tea Tree Oil for acne. It works great!

Advantages Tea Tree Oil Has On Your Acne and Skin

  • Works fast at getting rid of acne blemishes and spots. 

  • Works great for oily skin; quickly removing the dirt and built up skin oils that assist in clogging up your skins pores.

  • Makes your skin cleaner.

  • Tea Tree Oil works better than any product I have personally ever tried for getting rid of acne. Also tried doctor prescribed medication. Using Tea Tree Oil for my acne still worked better and way more effectively. It also had excellent results for my friends and relatives who suffer from mild to severe acne problems.

  • It is extremely cheap, and a small bottle can last up to a few months or longer.

  • It not only works for getting rid of acne, but Tea Tree Oil can be used to treat fungal infections, different skin infections, and has had some notable success with a few people in assisting in fighting off serious skin infections such as MRSA.

  • Using Tea Tree Oil for acne gives you extra confidence about your appearance, simply because it works!

Common Complaints About Using Tea Tree Oil For Treating Acne

  • Tea Tree Oil is a natural oil derived from a Australian Tree, so after applying it to your skin, it can put off a strong noticeable smell of the oil for several minutes. A few minutes after applying the oil to your skin, people may complain about its strong scent. Thirty minutes of smelling like a Tea Tree Oil plant is not really something to complain about or good reason not to use it, when it is saving you from having large cyst, pimples, and outbreaks that won't go away without it.

  • If over used or applied, it can redden or rash your skin and cause burning sensations. Only use small amounts dabbed on your skin as Tea Tree Oil is very strong and potent.

Best Way to Apply Tea Tree Oil To Your Acne, Pimples, and Zits

The best way to apply Tea Tree Oil to your acne is with a Q-tip. If you put the Tea Tree Oil on your fingers, it will soak through the skin before you can apply it to your face. It soaks through the pores of your skin very quickly. Not only that, but natural skin oils and grime from your fingers can make your acne worse. Avoid directly touching your face as it can increase more future outbreaks, pimples, and blemishes.