Tea Tree Oil is a wonderful natural remedy for getting rid of your acne and I can't recommend it enough. If you've read my previous article Tea Tree Oil For Acne then you know how strongly I feel about it and its effectiveness in battling away acne blemishes.
Tea tree oil is a excellent solution for quickly getting rid of those stubborn pimples and cyst, healing your skin, and keeping your acne outbreaks under control. Though, I would like to share some more of my own personal experience, as well as people that I have helped with their own acne problems, about the effectiveness and the crucial role that diet can play in your ongoing prevention of future acne breakouts.
Some dermatologist and doctors will tell you that diet has nothing to do with acne. My own and many others personal experience tells me otherwise. While eating certain foods for a extended period of time I monitored my skin and I could see my skin starting to get more oily and pimpley. I have asked other people suffering from acne problems if they have noticed any increase in their acne breakouts when eating certain types of unhealthy foods for a extended period of time and most of their responses were yes. The 1% of people that didn't answer yes, didn't even think to check thier diet and had no idea that their diet might be causing their acne problem to get worse.
So I have took note that certain foods will aggravate my skin and cause more frequent acne breakouts, and that the same thing happens to others as well. This lead me to believe that a lot dermatologist and doctors were unaware of diet affecting the skin and lead me to research the topic to see if I could find any outside information on the subject.
There's a saying that goes. "Your body reflects what you put into it" and believe this to be very true. The type of foods you eat or the type of beverages you drink can eventually have a impact on your skin. The skin is a organ, and needs to be taken care of and nourished just like the other organs in your body. Bad diet, lack of sleep, unhealthy habits, can equal a bad acne revenge on your skin.
From shared experience, I strongly believe that diet does in fact play a crucial role in the overall appearance of your skin, and diet alone can influence acne flare-ups and make it worse. Smokers tend to get more wrinkles because of chemicals from within the cigarettes cause damage to the blood vessels and the skin. Large intakes of unhealthy food can cause damage to the skin. I strongly believe this, in spite of having a doctor suggest that food has nothing to do with acne. I've seen more breakouts on my own skin during a bad binge diet.
Using Tea Tree Oil for your acne will help get rid of it quickly, but keep it mind, if you want to keep your future blemishes from being close to none, than it wise to develop a healthy diet plan.
During my research I was able to find a small amount of information on acne and how breakouts can be caused by your kidneys being unable to flush it's daily toxins out. Daily toxins your kidneys can accumulate over time from unhealthy foods, cigarettes, drugs, etc. The result is, the inability to flush out the toxins quick enough, affects the appearance of your skin. By changing my diet and tested this method religiously, I also believe this kidney idea to be true. The idea makes complete sense since your kidneys are a main organ in your body that work over time to help your body flush out toxins on a day to day basis. Toxins can easily build up over time in your body if you are not properly eating right or drinking enough water.
People suffering from severe acne should change their diet immediately if they haven't already. Greasy foods I have found can irritate the skin. Stop eating at fast food places and loading your body up with fatty oils and grease. Stop eating pizza and spicey foods as well. If you are serious about getting rid of your acne for good and tired of being humiliated by it, then changing your diet shouldn't be a issue for you.
Sugar is bad for acne. It doesn't flush out of your body quick enough and can affect your skin and cause acne breakouts. Avoid sugary foods and beverages like pop, candy, etc.
Caffeine can aggravate your skin also and cause your pimples to appear out of no where and flare up. So kick the coffee or Cola habit if you got one.
In my experience Diary products can also really affect acne blemishes on the skin. Lower your milk intake, ice cream intake, etc. Diary products are one of the worst things for your acne diet. Do not believe what the media says about some Diary products, most of them are not very good for you.
The most important factor for your diet, and the most healthiest for your skin is drinking lots of water. By drinking lots of water each and every day you will help flush out the toxins in your body. Try to drink as much water through out the day as you can. Six to eight glasses at least. The importance of drinking water and how it can help the appearance of your skin, is often overlooked by a lot of people suffering from severe acne.
Eat lots of healthy fruits and vegetables. Your old Grandma was right when she said little Billy needs to eat his veggies if he wants to grow up healthy and strong. Vegetables like carrots are good antioxidant and good for your kidneys. Eating a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits will not only give you a good amount of nutrition value, but it will help your skin fight off acne blemishes. Your protein intake can be replaced by eating fish and healthy nuts like walnuts and flax-seeds. Stay away from heavily fatted or greasy meats.
The combination of using Tea Tree Oil for acne and changing your diet will give the maximum results to clearing up your skin and getting rid of your acne for good. This is what I have learned from my own personal experience with dealing with acne and I have seen the Tea Tree Oil and diet method work on others as well.